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Thoughts on Sheridan’s Journey: Reporting from Deck Top

Jack Urowitz

There are a number of vital initiatives we are pursuing on the Local’s behalf. Some of these, like the ramifications of being online and Academic Freedom, are multi-college provincial issues with unique Sheridan concerns. And some are strictly our local concerns like a Voluntary Recognition Agreement and Senate governance. Amongst the articles in this newsletter you will find updates on our current key initiatives. You will also find an updated SWF calculator by Kevin Forest here.

Perhaps you’re relatively new to our college, less than five years, and so the Journey coincides entirely with your Sheridan experience. It is probably the reason you are here. In 2010, the year before Sheridan was launched on our travels to become a university, there was an unprecedented number of hires, 30. At that time we were about 350 full-time and 300 partial-load faculty union members. Now, five years later, we are 580 full-time and almost 500 partial-load Faculty Union members. Welcome aboard! Your enthusiasm and success in the classroom are a credit to all who have contributed to the esteem of a Sheridan credential.

Or perhaps your career here is well underway. Maybe you’ve been through many college executives and managers. “What will they think of next?” is more than a slogan or a TV show if you’re a Sheridan lifer. But the good news is we’ve survived (at least most of us) the few ill conceived plans, and thrived through those more formative and long lived. Sheridan has done well by those who have dedicated themselves to our students, our community, our calling. We veterans can be proud of the college we built.

Our Faculty is strong, our graduates are world class, our future is promising.

wildcaat/winter2016/wildcaat1.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/05 20:36 (external edit)