Local 244: Riding Shotgun on the Journey
Doug Greenwood
Sheridan senior management remains committed to the “Journey” for our college to become a university by 2017 - 2019. Local 244 continues to monitor these developments closely and we can report that in anticipation of changing needs for our faculty that grow out of our university status a new working group has been formed: The Workplace Equity Committee or “WE Committee” for short. This group includes the Executive and PSB Stewards of Local 244 along with a number of concerned faculty members from the Pilon School of Business. We will be seeking membership from other Faculties.
Key agenda items for this group include:
- Advising management that we will require a separately negotiated collective agreement that meets the specific needs of our faculty given Sheridan’s unique new status
- Determining the issues to be tabled that will directly affect faculty workload and day-to-day working conditions such as:
- proper SWF time for bachelor level course preparation
- pedagogical issues related to hybrid delivery and the “flipped” classroom” model
- university level remuneration for degree courses
- faculty ownership of curriculum.
Once we have clearly established the timelines that will impact our bargaining process it is our intention to survey faculty to get a clear understanding of their position on the key principles that will underpin the bargaining process.
Local 244 and the WE Committee group will remain vigilant on these issues and report on all relevant updates.